

Maia is 21 Months Old!!

Here I am holding the blueberries just out of reach Yes!  Blueberries!

I hope she doesn't take them away again.

Now what are these things on my head again?

This is what she looks like when she yells, "Mama!" and runs to hug me =)


Maia is doing so many sweet things!

Eric and I had a really early lunch one day in the empty BOK cafeteria. When she finished eating, Maia got up to wander a bit, which was fine since the room was empty. After she casually strolled three or four tables away, Eric called her back. She immediately bolted out of the room at top speed, giggling like mad. HA HA parents, fooled you. So tricksy! You could almost see her whistling casually as she got far enough away to make a break for it! Eric fell asleep singing to Maia in her crib. After a nice hour long nap he woke up and started to leave... Only to hear a wide awake Maia go "shhhhh, shhhhh" to soothe him back to sleep Mama! Dada! Her face lights up as she runs to me and I swing her up into a hug. It's so joyous, every time! Sometimes she walks backwards to snuggle into you. Or to get into your lap for "booky"

OK! She uses the adorableness of this to get her way a lot. Paw Patrol O K! The K is especially emphatic. Ohh Kaaaaaaay?

She is learning a lot these days. She is so focused. She loves moving piles of penguins, collecting stacking cups. She is good with colors. The first of my children that I didn't wonder about color blindness! She can say pink purple yellow blue regularly, and she's done orange and red. I don't know why she doesn't like green.

Maia is asleep on the floor next to Mama Bear. I am a ninja for checking without waking her. Now I am tempted to go back for a picture.

She can totally escape the crib.  But she decided maybe it was more comfortable than being right in front of the door today!

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9/18 It's getting to the point that I have to check a calendar to figure out how many months old Maia is! Pretty soon she will be 2! She really is a toddler now instead of a baby. She doubled in size almost overnight! Possibly the night she learned to climb out of her bed. That was a crazy week. =) She slept in the floor next to Mama Bear one night, then she started sleeping by the door. Then she may have figured out that it's really more comfortable in her bed because she started staying in it again! Last night she went wandering again though. She pulled her nightlight off the wall, so I had to investigate that. I put her back in her bed and rubbed her back for awhile. Just when I thought she was asleep, I slowly lifted my hand. She quickly grabbed my hand, pulled it back into the crib, holding it with both hands underneath her so I was neatly and thoroughly trapped. If she would have just gone to sleep I might have stayed like that indefinitely, but she was too pleased with her accomplishment, and kept looking over at me and giggling, so I had to leave and let her work out sleep on her own. In related news, we are SO GLAD Eric is home to stay for awhile. =)


Maia in the rocking chair!  Can you believe how big she is now!?!


1 month

10 days

Maia adores Paw Patrol.  She was very happy when I unpacked this box.

Walking to our neighborhood park

Maia loves to color and sticker!

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Maia loves Uncle Mike =)


She has a similar book sorting ethic to Serenity =)

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Doing homework with her siblings =) She loves stickers! She will spend an hour covering a page with stickers and marker.

Fearlessly jumping to Serenity.

Lining up her puzzle pieces =)

Donovan in September

Donovan in August