Ice Skating. Serenity chose ice skating as her fall activity! I'm really excited about this, because I've always wished that I could ice skate! It was really amazing how easily she took to it. They push off from the wall at the very first lesson and go straight across the ice! She's learned to do little marching steps, glide, and skate backward. Which means that she's better than Eric already because he doesn't reverse. Skating backwards is her favorite because they teach them to do it by shaking their butts. "Shake your butt butt butt shake your butt!" She just wiggles her way across the ice with a big grin. And she will happily demonstrate the technique anytime. =)
Serenity called me, Mrs. Punkle Punk when I made her draw two at Uno... It was too funny. Donovan, Serenity, Eric and I have been playing UNO a lot lately. It's so much fun! The kids are fairly good sports. Possibly because as soon as they get whiny Eric and I quit playing.
Serenity joined Daisy Scouts! Her friend Harper's mother Jennifer White started a troup with a mix of University School students and Eisenhower students. It's really fun! I volunteered to be the photographer for the group. =) The meetings are fun for Serenity and me both. She gets to hang out with friends and I get to talk with other moms, and have an activity with just Serenity since Eric watches the other two while I take her. A little Mama and Serenity time, which I've been wanting. She read her whole Daisy manual the first day she got it. After the first meeting, Jennifer had them do three good deeds to get to spin around their Daisy pins to the right way up. Serenity put away Donovan's laundry, let everyone else go in front of her once, and helped me with Maia. So wonderful! And they've now earned their promise center and the Lupe petal. The lupe petal is Honest and Fair. I love what they're learning! And I got to lead an activity for the Lupe petal, potato stamping a lupine flower. =)
Donovan and Serenity have been spending a lot of time with their sidewalk chalk lately. They nearly covered the entire patio in solid chalk! It's so beautiful!