

Maia is Nine Months Old!!!

maia9months2 copy Maia9months copy  


Maia so wants to be mobile! She can't quite do it to her satisfaction though. She can crawl a tiny bit, just a few inches. The furthest she has gotten was actually done sideways! I'd never seen that before =) Serenity and DZ both started by going backwards, but she crab crawled sideways to reach me. She prefers standing though and is happiest when I'm helping her stand. She can't quite cruise on her own, but she's getting close.


She's making more noises that are getting close to words, especially up. Uuuuuup =) I say it a lot when she stands or gets picked up, and she's mimicked me a couple of times.


She loves her big sister and brother =) They are very good about helping me when I need them to, and Maia loves it. She will sit in their laps while I run to the other room to grab something and they both talk to her and entertain her.



Maia is nine months old today! And she discovered that she can rock the rocking chair, which made getting her picture in it a little more challenging =) But I still ended up with more cute pics than I could handle so it's all good.


Maia is definitely on the move these days. She can army crawl, which is a pretty laborious process which involves a lot of complaining. =) Sometimes she seems to be doing a push up onto her toes and hands! I have no idea what she's accomplishing with that move, maybe getting up off the carpet, which is not very soft. She can get all the way onto the wood floor now though so we've had to tell the kids to keep all the choking hazards upstairs and only play games on tables now. She can sort of cruise along the couch too. She could stand indefinitely... she just doesn't want to hold on. If I put toys on the couch she'll stand and play with them for a bit, and then she'll turn and try to walk straight away from the couch, which always lands her on her bottom. She doesn't mind though =) She just wiggles her legs and bounces like she's in the jumperoo and crashes again. =)


She is up to two teeth. One and a half, as the second one is much shorter than the first still. Her favorite chew toy is my wallet. I have to hide the keys inside or she'd eat those as well. She's also demolished a few board books this month. Not with genteel nibbling, nope. She's eaten half the cover of several books and torn Pajama Time completely off!


She does love to listen to the books as well. She loves Jamberry, Ten in the Bed, and all the Boynton Books. Snuggle Puppy is a favorite, and that's the song I currently sing her as I try to get her to sleep on her own in her bed for at least the beginning of the night. She's reached the point that she has a hard time falling asleep in my arms in the chair for bedtime, because she really wants to roll over onto her stomach. So another transition for us.


I found some really cute onesies at Target that I'm so excited about! I got a Cinderella onesie for her to wear on our Disney trip next month, and a SuperGirl onesie for Halloween. They are so cute! She is sooo close to talking. She vocalizes often and loudly, and I just love watching her become part of the conversation. She really seems like she might be saying "up." I'm not sure, but it certainly sounds like it and may even be in context.

She has just as good a grip with her feet as with her hands =)

Playing Ball with DZ


DZ is such a good brother =)

Daddy tickly kisses!

Shopping with Aunt Jen at West Elm

Snuggling Grandma and chewing on a wallet, delicious!

High Five!

Serenity in September

Donovan in August: First School Days!