Donovan usually joins in with her crafting fun, scribbling on papers and bringing them to me saying, "I make a rainbow! I make a airplane! I make a slide!" He loves stickers and is getting the fine motor skills to even pull them off the paper himself sometimes.
Donovan has a new favorite phrase: "perfect!" He says it all the time when things line up just like he wants. =) He's also gotten really good at saying "please." Somehow it's cuter and more effective when it sounds like "pease" Or better yet, "pitty pease?"
This last month he's spent a lot of time playing little computer. He can zoom around it all on his own, and loves it! So we have to work a lot on taking turns with Serenity. =) His favorite games are Sid the Science Kid, where he fills in charts by sorting things by color and shape, Duck Duck Moose's More Trucks, and Super Why. We also do puzzles every day, and after a try or two can usually do up to 24 pieces mostly by himself. He wants someone to be doing it with him, but I usually just connect large chunks of the puzzle that he's put together.
He's really a very easygoing guy most of the time. The perfect example of this was last week, when I took him to meetings at school two days in a row. He sat quietly, playing on the phone or just smiling at people, except when he said "shhhh" to Aunt Jen. =) And then he went with me to Serenity's dance class and just played puzzle and toys while he waited on her. Such a good boy. Of course, he has his moments, like yesterday when he decided 4:30 was a good time to get up and play, but he's so sweet and so much fun.
He adores the bubble blower we got for Easter. In fact, we just used up the motor in our first two and bought some more on clearance. They sometimes try to pop the bubbles with the baseball bat, or just chase them around the yard. He loves playing baseball both indoors and outdoors, and prefers the ball to be pitched instead of just sitting on the baseball tee. He adores swimming now. I think it's more fun with Daddy, who will throw him in the air as a reward if he floats on his back or goes under. He's at the stage where he's just confident enough to be really dangerous. Happy and excited to jump in the water, put his face in the water, etcetera. So you have to watch him the whole time. But I'm so glad he likes it now! Floating on his back is still his least favorite part, but he will do it sometimes.
When we read books at bedtime, he wants to do it himself. So he'll pull down two books, one for me and one for him, which we each read side by side. After a while he'll usually let me read his book out loud to him.
He is obsessed with horses. I'm starting to get hopes of a horse riding birthday party =) He gallops around the house saying neigh, always chooses horses as the animal for Old MacDonald, and gets excited by our My Little Ponies. =) So much fun! It's either that or super heroes. He knows the Green Lantern motto and enthusiastically says it with Daddy all the time. If you ask him to do something, he'll say, "Super Boy!" and put his arms behind him like a cape and fly off to help out. He's a good helper. And he loves it when I tell him this =)