

Pregnancy Journal... 23 Weeks and counting!


Well, I have reached the wonderful middle of pregnancy =)  Even for someone like me that has reasonable easy first and third trimesters, the second is still the best.  We know now that we're having a girl!!!  We've had two ultrasounds and they said girl both times, so I'm ready to believe.  I just love knowing!!!!  It makes it so much more fun and easier to talk to the kids about the baby, and I can get busy with all my crafting and organizing plans =)  But more about why I love the second trimester =)  She's bouncing around in there like crazy now, which is the most amazing feeling.  Serenity's even felt her kick once!  I just love it, and I talk to her whenever I feel her move around.  Also, I'm starting to look pregnant instead of just feeling big.  Seems like that is happening a lot earlier this time around too.  I like my maternity clothes pretty well, I just hope I don't outgrow them before the end!  And, napping has become optional again.  I fell unconscious for weeks straight the first trimester every day around 2pm.  I'm just glad Serenity and Donovan were so happy to play together nicely most of those days!  Don't get me wrong, I still like to nap, but it's nice to get to choose instead of just passing out =)


We haven't really discussed names yet.  We still have a long list of favorites we liked from the first time around, at least nine names that we loved.  I have, however, managed to convince Serenity that we will not be calling the baby Pearl or Starfish after she arrives.


The last two ultrasounds were good.  My doctor actually was present for my last appointment, and she checked for any developmental problems with the internal organs and such.  She said everything looked great, with heart, bladder, that sort of thing.  They couldn't get a good look at the face though because her little hands were covering it.  The ultrasound tech said it looked like she was reading a book in there.  =)  So we'll check out nose and lip at the next visit.  I just love getting to have ultrasounds every visit!  Next time is the diabetes test, so hopefully I pass that.

Donovan in August

Pregnancy Journal... 23 Weeks and Counting! =)