

Serenity's Favorite Activities: Motion!

Serenity had definitely gotten at least a bit of Eric’s activity genes.  She has always loved moving!  Thinking back now it’s kind of funny how excited we were about tummy time.  Eric asked the doctor at our three day visit how soon he could start it!  She started rolling from stomach to back at around 6 weeks, and she was good at it by two months.  It wasn’t until 6 months or so that she started rolling the other way!  She started sitting before 4 months though, and that was how she wanted to be all the time, sitting up!  By 5 months I could take her monthly pictures with her sitting up without worrying that she’d fall off the couch =)  She was a very happy camper when she could play with her toys while sitting.  She began to get very frustrated by tummy time though.  You could really see the desire to MOVE!  And when she just couldn’t do it she got really frustrated.  When we started gymboree mid-January at a bit over 6 months, we discovered she could pull up!  She sat in this boat thing and there was a very convenient wooden dowel in front of her, and she just grabbed it and up she went!  It was like she was just waiting for the proper tool.  After this, she started pulling up and standing a lot.  Funnily enough, she started taking steps before she managed to crawl!  The first time she took her first few solo steps, was in early March around 7.5 months.  A few days after that, she actually managed to crawl forward.  She could take maybe 15 steps in a row on her own at 9 months when we moved to Oklahoma, and within a very short time she was walking everywhere on her own!  She kicks the ball to her Daddy too, which gets him so excited.  Around ten months she started to do a little dance by stamping her right foot in time with music.  It’s adorable.  Now at a year she is walking perfectly, even running, and climbing!  Today she learned to climb up on the couch and slide off.  Nothing is safe again, time to babyproof some more!  It’s hard to keep ahead of Serenity. Tummy Time

Almost Sitting in October

Pulling Up, Star Wars Style!



Assisted Walking




Walking Perfectly!

Serenity's Favorite Activities: Games! and Snuggles!

Serenity's Favorite Activities: Outdoors!