

Life Skills Boot Camp: Finance Week

Life Skills Boot Camp: Finance Week

Everyone thought it was hilarious that the yellow S makes it look like Life Kills from a distance. ;)

Life Skills Boot Camp! The older kids declined summer camps this year, and we can’t make travel plans until after Eric’s big work deadline, so I decided we would dedicate this summer to Life Skills! With three kids it’s hard to remember who knows what, so this way we make sure we cover all the important bases. So at least I have a chart to verify we’ve discussed stuff. ;)

Comparing prices at two different stores and Amazon. They bought these file things to start organizing important papers.

I’ve picked a different theme for each week, and week 1 was Finance Week. It was shockingly successful! All the kids memorized their Social Security numbers, started bank accounts, and learned how credit cards and basic investing works. Maia mastered every single task a day early!!! And DZ finished them today. I really thought they would do the minimum requirement, but this week at least worked beautifully! Sera covered most of these topics in financial literacy, but she’s now set up as an authorized user on a credit card and with a checking account to really practice managing her money.

Practice Budgeting

Buildyourstax.com, great free investing game!

How to make large purchases! Compare prices, research, ask experts. We actually did buy one of the new tvs a few weeks later =)

Sera said filing made her feel powerful she is also very intrigued by the thought of filing taxes…

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Life Skills Boot Camp: Cleaning Week

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