

DZ School 5th Grade

DZ School 5th Grade

It took a while but by the end DZ loved fifth grade! The color run definitely went well =) He decided that he wants to be in the band next year! They audition to help figure out which instrument they want and are suited for, and he was so excited to find out his instrument for band!!! He gets to play alto saxophone next year! His favorite thing this year was definitely fun Math. He was beyond THRILLED to find out he gets to take algebra next year!!! =) He was worried he bombed the testing but he passed handily.

This is one of his favorite pieces from art class this year. self portrait as a Lego mini figure! 🤩 you can see his green jacket and the strap of the orange backpack he uses to carry his sugar and devices every day 🥰. Also his OMG gaming shirt Eric Peter Wainright!

He was so excited to win the group art project. It is ginormous!

I got to volunteer the last day! They didn’t need much help at the intermediate school so I was so glad to get to go! DZ is hanging out with two of his best friends, Sophia and Panu

I did get to go on one field trip this year! The fifth grade went to the Philbrook museum! They got to make some fun art and enjoy all the exhibits. Plus we had a picnic. I loved it! DZ wore these wolf ears for a whole semester. =)

Maia School 3rd Grade

Maia School 3rd Grade

Medieval Fair

Medieval Fair