

Serenity Spring 2020

Serenity Spring 2020

The kids have turned to musical theater in quarantine. They made a song! It has three verses and a chorus. It’s long but the finale is my favorite   It’s a quarantiiiiine, we’re going craaaaaaazy.  Cause it’s a quarantiiiiiiine.  Serenity loves to sing and make up songs!

Serenity had a great idea for a game room theme… pillow pile!  We collected every stuffed animal, pillow, piece of bedding and spare mattress and piled them all in the game room!  The kids rolled around in animals for awhile, and then put mattresses on top of the pile and slept that way.  So funny!

Sister fun!

Sister fun!

Serenity is super excited for hugs…even when we needed a trash bag to be careful

Serenity is super excited for hugs…even when we needed a trash bag to be careful

Serenity earned her Bronze Award and then ate all the “pollen”

Serenity earned her Bronze Award and then ate all the “pollen”

The Moores returned our eggs in the most fun way =)

The Moores returned our eggs in the most fun way =)

Fancy girl!  She’s growing up so much!

Fancy girl! She’s growing up so much!

Serenity has grown up a lot this spring.  She’s super helpful when Donovan is having a hard time.  She loves getting to sleep in and she is rested and happy a lot!  She loves her siblings and has always treated DZ like her best friend, but even so she is starting to miss other people.  She and Maia are hanging out a lot lately.  Maia has grown up enough to find it cute when Serenity treats her like her baby ;)  I love our family! 

Reading Wings of Fire… again!  She writes fanfiction and has created JewelWings, which I think should probably be the next series =)

Reading Wings of Fire… again! She writes fanfiction and has created JewelWings, which I think should probably be the next series =)

May the Fourth =)

May the Fourth =)

Still sleeping in a nest of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals =)

Still sleeping in a nest of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals =)

Tree climbing in her fanciest dress =)

Tree climbing in her fanciest dress =)

Serenity Virtual School

Serenity Virtual School

Donovan Virtual School

Donovan Virtual School