

Renaissance Fair

Renaissance Fair


Castle of Muskogee Renaissance Fair:  We had an absolute blast at the Medieval Fair this year.  Donovan wore the little knight outfit he wore the year I nearly lost him at the fair, which gave me a few moments of nerves, but we all stayed together just fine.  The kids wanted to do the quest, and they did, but we chose not to wait in line to meet the Queen.  They each got to get one souvenir, and I was impressed at how well they thought this out.  Maia went for the Mermaid Wish Pearl experience.  She was dressed as a mermaid so meeting the mermaids in the grotto was her favorite part.  To get the wish pearl, she and one of the mermaids opened a real clam to find a real pearl, and the put it into a necklace for her to keep her wish.  It was so much fun!  Maia tickled the mermaid’s tail and loved it so much when the mermaid giggled!  Serenity chose a beautiful crystal necklace, and Donovan found some cool magnetic rocks that he really enjoys.  We watched Bob the Juggler, who was hilarious.  I really loved his math puns, and we all laughed so much he had to look in his book for more puns.  The kids loved it until he dropped one of his flaming torches and scared Serenity.  We also watched the Misadventurers Peridot and Halvard in an epic battle.  They were HILARIOUS!  They fought best two out of three to see who gets to be the championship, and Peridot won 412 times in a row.  Each round, the loser would have to choose something from the Chest of Shame.  Halvard had to do the Ribbon Dance of Shame, which involved dances like the Vortex of the Pouting Flamingo and the Waterfall of Sadness.  So funny.  We ate actual food, every single kid ate.  Things like turkey legs, hot dogs on a stick, and French fries with cheese sauce.  So not healthy food, but things they wouldn’t have tried a year ago.  We watched the Topsy Turvy acrobats, who did crazy balancing things like standing on each other’s feet and were also very funny.  After that Donovan really wanted to watch the live chess game, so he, Serenity and Eric stayed to watch that while Maia and I wandered back over to the mermaids for her wish pearl.  We also stopped by the Romani’s caravan, and they helped Maia make a bracelet from scraps.  We stayed more than five hours and enjoyed every minute!    A few days later we were listening to the Sing soundtrack in the car, and the song “I’m Still Standing” came on.  Maia piped up “This should be Bob the Juggler’s song!”  lol

Kettlecorn! A mermaid’s favorite treat!

Kettlecorn! A mermaid’s favorite treat!

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Halvard’s Vortex of the Pouting Flamingo was SOOOO funny!

Halvard’s Vortex of the Pouting Flamingo was SOOOO funny!

Bob the Juggler

Bob the Juggler

Maia loved the Mermaid’s tail!

Maia loved the Mermaid’s tail!

Mermaid wish

Mermaid wish

Happy Mermaid

Happy Mermaid

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Creative Producers 2019

Creative Producers 2019

Bunny Hunt! and Easter

Bunny Hunt! and Easter