Maia in May 2019
Some of Maia’s favorite phrases right now include:
Can I tell you something? (I hear this so many times a day! I always say yes but sometimes I add, I hope you do!)
She actually says these things instead of doing them. And the dry, ironic way she says them is totally hilarious. I also love her little lopsided smile she gives when things are kind of weird.
I made an X in Maia’s hair for X day!
Maia is very interested in cooking these days! She got a cookbook for Christmas and she chose to make popcorn balls and trail mix out of that book this week.
Parent’s Day at gymnastics! I love getting to see all that Maia has learned! She is really strong!
To give you a better idea how high that rope is! She goes all the way to the top!
Strong girl! She’s so good at clinging on to stuff =)
I asked Maia not to write on her body after her bath today… so she used invisible ink =)
Maia made me this card with a flower that blooms when you put it in water! So pretty!
I love her stories!!!
We had some friends over for a playdate when school ended. They made a giant web out of yarn all around our entry, living and dining room. SO FUN!!! IT was a definite challenge to get around. And then it entertained us for days as we unraveled it. We saved most of the nice yarn to reuse =)
Maia was not quite fever free on V is for Volcano day, so we did one at home =) Playdoh, baking soda and vinegar to the rescue.