

December 17th: Geodesic Dome!

December 17th: Geodesic Dome!

December 17th: Surprise from Papa! 

Dad gave us a gift card to Amazon for our big present, so now we have finally achieved one of my parenting goals.  Geodesic dome in the house ;)  The kids LOVE it!  They have always loved climbing so a jungle gym makes perfect sense ;)  We plan to move it outside when the weather is nice but for the winter we’ll have something new to get some exercise.  Thanks Dad!

The kids spent the morning playing on the dome and pretending to be various Star Wars characters.  Maia was Master Rey, DZ was Kylo Ren, and Serenity was Stardust, a character of her own invention.  In the afternoon we went to see Serenity’s performance in her Storybook Series class.  The kids took turns reading and acting out Horton Hears a Who and the Lorax.  It was the second time we’d seen them perform and they improved a lot!  Serenity got to act out the Lorax’s part and she did a great job of scolding the Onceler.  =) 


After the show, I went to cookie training, caught a few Pokemon, and did a grocery run before coming home to put the kids to bed.  Eric was already asleep.  He was exhausted since he’d been up the entire night working on a change control. 

Maia's 4th Birthday Update!

Maia's 4th Birthday Update!

December 16th: Nutcracker, Destiny and Jedis

December 16th: Nutcracker, Destiny and Jedis