December 6th: Today we got another new book, the Grinch who Stole Christmas. It was a Kohl’s bargain book. It was maybe a little long for her, but she loved it when the Whos sang, and she sang along La la la la la! (Which sounds, ya ya ya ya ya, so cute =)
We decided at the last minute to go to a make-up music class. It was very different from usual, because there were several tiny babies. Also, a family that we’d met at the park was there! Serenity was very excited. The boy, Jaden, is just about to turn three, and they loved each other. She kept saying “Jaden is funny!” and giggling her head off. Which was good as he was in her face and growling at the time. =) They were hilarious to watch. We came home and got busy packing and cleaning for our trip to Cali tonight! Daddy came home a little early from work and they got to play outside, hopefully running out a lot of energy! =)