

Donovan in November

11/29/16 Donovan in November

Donovan adores Skylanders, so finding this shirt in his hand me down tub was SO exciting!


My baby cousin Xander came over to play with us for a day when his daycare was closed.  He is so sweet!  And Donovan adores him.  He told me every day for a week that he missed Xander and wanted to play with him again.



At the Thanksgiving Feast we got to watch the kids play on the playground for a bit.  Donovan slides down the new fireman’s pole!  It is awesome =)  He’s also done the monkey bars at least once, but he’s still working on that one.

Thanksgiving Feast with Nathan

Sliding down the Fireman's pole at school!!



At the zoo with Papa

Ribbon week at Miller


Making mazes for Dash and Dot with Serenity =)

Sewing up a brain from his Kiwi Crate

EP class art project

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Maia in November!

Serenity in November