

Visiting Washington D.C.

For fall break this year Tina sent us tickets for Eric, Donovan and Serenity to visit her and Colen in D.C.!!   We were thrilled, especially Eric as he adores visiting family and loves the Smithsonian, so this was the perfect vacation for him =)  They sent Maia and me lots of pictures so we wouldn't be too lonely =)  I'll add the captions they sent, but Eric will obviously have to do any other journaling. Museum of Natural History

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Lots of walking so the occasional piggy back ride was very welcome.

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Serenity reading the Gettysburg Address


Serenity's pancake pizza


DZ is correcting Colen's pronunciation


We are at our gate 1 hour and 15 minutes early.  Looks like we have a plane, so we are probably on time.  Serenity blows kisses, and says she is happy to come home to mama and mia.  Donovan really wants to play with his baby.

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Serenity narrating Above and Below.  The kids (including Eric) love the game so much Tina and Colen loaned it to us.

Building White House Cookie.  Tina had it here waiting for Serenity and DZ.  Kids didn't seem too interested earlier with everything else going on, then after dinner today Serenity asked about it.  Got it in just under the wire.  Tina is awesome.

When Maia saw the tree pictures she said "Maia in tree?  Maia turn?"

making serious "mischief"


Botanical Gardens with the Richards =)

Halloween 2016... Pokemon GO!