

December 8th

Today we planned to go to the mall to see Santa!  It turned out to be a very busy but fun day!  First, we went to see Daddy at work for lunch, as it is too cold for meeting in the park anymore.  We had so much fun!  The conference room on the fifth floor with the big windows was a big hit, as were the dry erase markers that Eric’s coworker Ben put together into a long pole for Serenity.  Then, we went to Grandma’s house to try and help her put up decorations.  We then met Jennifer, Barrett and Casey at the mall to see Santa!  Of course, Serenity was much more excited about seeing Barrett, Casey and Jen than about Santa.  And as it turned out, we scheduled our visit for Santa’s only hour long break the entire week.  Serenity was thrilled though because we played on the playground for forty five minutes, and just as we were leaving we got to wave at Santa.  I didn’t intend to make her sit on his lap as she has no idea who he is really, but she seemed happy to say “Hi Santa” and wave, so it worked out perfectly.  Then back to Mom’s for some more decorating before meeting Daddy for bath time and bed!  The cutest thing she did today though was carry around Princess Presto and Lucky the entire day.  She barely put them down for me to buckle her arms into her car seat.  She is really into her stuffed animals now!  She even insists on rescuing her bear and blankie from her bed each morning, and when we’re snuggling in Mama and Daddy’s bed she plays with three bears, Wish Bear, Funshine, and Teddy Bear.  Daddy calls her Goldilocks which she loves!!!December8th2009 copy

December 9th

December 7th