Warm. Serenity loves covers right now. She insists on rescuing her blankie (and bear) from her crib every morning. She will drag blankets around the house, then fall down on them and declare “I comfy! I comfy!” And she often requests “cover up!”
Other highlights from today: Our Advent Calendar activity today was SING. Serenity, Daddy and I sang Christmas carols together! Ok, Eric and I sang Jingle Bells, but Serenity did shake her bell and say Jingle Bells a few times! We also sang Rudolph. I love Christmas music and I love sharing it with Serenity!
Wednesday is our day to play at Papa’s house. Serenity loves sliding down the big slide he installed for her in his middle bedroom. Also, the girl loves her broccoli, can you tell? A couple cute pics from yesterday after I finished the page. Serenity, Daddy and Mama at our picnic in the park. We try to meet Daddy for lunch on Tuesdays. Serenity loves baths! The other day Daddy combined two of her favorite things… baths and rocks. Serenity was in heaven, I think she decided to become a mermaid and live in the tub. Big Bang! She is always all smiles when we sing the theme song for her.