I can't believe this sweet baby is two months old already! She is growing like crazy! She's already up to 12lbs and 13oz! 23 inches! I've begun putting away the smallest sizes of clothing and she outgrew the darling little newborn kitty hat that she wore everywhere. She smiles and coos and loves to talk! I just love these first little conversations. Her little face looks so serious when she's cooing and she follows it with the sweetest smiles, like she's saying, "isn't this fun! I love chatting with you!" She's very calm and usually pretty quiet, at least for me. She fusses sometimes for others if she wants food, but for me usually it's just a little noise to let me know it's food and nap time. We snuggle up together for part of each night in the recliner. We're not doing so well on sleeping in the bed, but the swing still works so life is good.
Maia is definitely smiling back at people now =) She's also cooing up a storm, which is such fun. Little conversations with my baby girl. The kids love it too, since she looks at them more and reacts to them sometimes. She's had a little bit of a stuffed nose the last few weeks, which makes it hard to lay her down. She's either slept in the chair with me or in the swing for more than a week now. She's probably going to get really comfortable doing that, but it's hard to mind the extra sweet baby snuggles I'm getting. She's awake for longer so I'm starting to try and pay attention to see if she has a schedule of when she wants to sleep and eat during the day. So far I haven't figured it out. =) I just feed her when she makes a noise and then she falls asleep.
Maia got to meet her Vanaema! Ann came to stay with us for a week. I'm so glad! It was so nice to get to visit with her, and it was lovely to get some one-on-one time with my kids. She snuggled Maia, played basketball with Donovan, and spent time with Serenity. More about this in the other kids journals, but I can always count on Ann to enjoy baby snuggles, she loves cuddling them as much as I do =)
Maia is such a sweet baby. =) She snuggles me all day long so of course I'm a happy Mama. Occasionally she refuses to let her Daddy sit down with her, but she's mostly content for me. Today was the exception though, I made her extremely mad today. I poked her in the cheek on accident, and after she recovered from that then I put her in tummy time. She was not attempting to lift her head at all, she mostly kicks her feet and struggles while sucking on her fist. But when I lifted her up, of my goodness. She let loose with a truly angry squeal. She was crying, but she mostly sounded indignant. If I wasn't so busy comforting her I would record it because it's such a distinct sound. I remember when I had Serenity reading articles about how I would figure out the baby's cries, and I thought at the time I really didn't get it. But with Maia I can definitely tell when she's angry. =) Then she needed her nose suctioned and was triply annoyed with me. But after a few "mama's so sorry" and a little walk around the living room she was restored to her usual snuggly self.
She really likes our conversations. Big smiles and serious coos and gurgles. I've been singing my go-to baby songs, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and the Wheels on the Bus with the leg motions. It had been so long since I'd done that! It's so much fun. =) She likes it when I sing, and her name is really easy to add to my favorite songs. So we sing you are Maia Sunshine, and It's a Jolly Holiday with Maia. =) And I still sing her Christmas Carols.
She uses the swing far more than either of the other babies. Mostly because of the two weeks of being stuffy when I couldn't lay her flat to sleep. So she usually takes at least one of her daily naps in the swing, and she gets put there sometimes when I just need my hands for something. I love when I pull her out of the swing, she is completely relaxed and boneless and just cuddles on my chest. Such a sweet feeling. I love my baby =)