

December 11th: Make Teacher Gifts

We started off the day with more fun crafting.  Serenity got some new washi tape that she used to make cards for her teachers.  Donovan got to do this fun alphabet activity.  I wrote all the capital letters onto a Christmas Tree, and gave him the lowercase letters on circle stickers.  He matched each uppercase letter with lowercase letters, and then his tree was decorated with ornaments!  It turned out really cute.  He was a little OCD about it, he wanted to be sure the label completely covered each uppercase letter.  Also, I need to remember when someone is just learning their letters, mamas should use their very best penmanship, or the difference between the x and the t is nonexistent. IMG_4343 IMG_4354

It was my first day out of the house in five days, since most of the ice has finally melted.  I went to the grocery store and stocked up in case of more weather, bought some fancy popcorn for movie night on our advent calendar, had a doctor appointment, lunch with Eric and some of his coworkers, and went into Kiddlestix.  Kiddlestix was a mistake, since I've been done with Christmas shopping for a month, but they have such cool stuff I couldn't resist!!! =)  And Eric totally backed me on the new magformer set ;)


The doctor visit was very quick and uneventful.  I'm dilated to a two, and the hospital still isn't letting them schedule an induction.  If I go to my next doctor appointment, and I imagine I will, she'll strip my membranes and see if that gets things started.  It took two days or so after that with Serenity for my water to break, so we'll see. =)  Might be having a Christmas baby after all!


In the evening we had an awesome play date with Serenity's friend Lillyan from school.  The girls were very sweet and included Donovan in all their play, which involved six puzzles, snow time outside, and dress-up.  It was so cute when they called the moms over to watch their princess play, and they very seriously took turns describing all the rules for princess play.  Love seeing them play together!

December 12th: Eric's Green Lantern Birthday!

December 10th: Celebrate Papa's Birthday!