The Epic duels party was a great success again! Unfortunately, mambo doesn't like our charts, but here are some of our favorite moments: After 3 rounds there was only 1 person with a perfect record, and 9 people with a pair of wins. Veronica, Marilyn, and Annie snuck into the finals over Juan, Chrissie, Eddie, Wes, Dr. Dave, and Patricia based on tie breakers. -In the first round Leia went one-on-one with the Emperor and with Chewbacca on different boards. -In the first round Anakin found a way to defend himself against Mace and Obi-wan long enough to allow Jango Fett to get a win! -In the second round Luke attacked Vader for a bunch right off the bat, Vader came back with a successful "All Too Easy" to kill the defenseless Luke. Leia didn't like that very much and finished Vader with her next two attack cards. And Anakin/Padme finished Leia off in the next round. The result of 2 rounds of play: 3 Skywalkers knocked out, and Angel never even got to draw a card for Luke/Leia. -In the second round Yoda lost his partner Maul very early, and had to stand up to Obi-wan, Han and Chewbacca, a hopeless situation? Well, yes… but Yoda made it very difficult for them. -In the 3rd round Veronica need a few more tie breaker points to get into the finals, she was already off the board, and her hope laid on Vader’s ability to take out either Yoda or Anakin. Anakin was running and healing but Vader hung on to draw a Throw Debris and a Wrath to finish off Anakin and push Han and Chewie into the finals. -Similarly in the 3rd round Marilyn needed 6 points to advance, but her Boba Fett was paired with the Other Fett, Jango. Yoda and Dooku won this hard fought battle but not before the Fetts took down two clones, two droids and a Jedi! Thanks again everyone!