When I was working on this web update it occurred to me that I might be taking an excessive number of pictures =) They are all so cute though I have to share a bunch of them anyway! Serenity is truly independently mobile now! She started crawling just a few days after she took her first steps, and now she can zoom across a room! Usually she crawls right to me and climbs up my legs into a standing position. She cruises between the couch and all around the jumperoo. And if she wants she can crawl across the room to the chairs. So nothing is safe. She’s taken up to 8 steps walking between people. That was the 20th. She was getting steadier, but now I think she’s beginning to prefer to have something to hold onto. She chooses to sit and crawl if you try to get her to walk between people sometimes now. We’ll see if that continues or if she was just tired. She is SO happy that she can get around as she chooses. She used to get so frustrated when she was on the verge of being able to crawl, and now that she can do it, she’s happy and content to play and cruise on her own for much longer periods of time.
She is so happy walking around, it’s always a surprise when she chooses to sit on her own. Sometimes she’ll sit by a book and look up at me. She obviously wants me to read it to her, and I’m happy to oblige =) She also often sits in the kitchen to play with Tupperware, measuring spoons and cups. The other place she walks to is the bathroom. She cruises along the tub and plays with her bathtub toys. Sometimes she even tries to climb in. The girl loves her baths! I bought Serenity several new things from babyGap.com. I just couldn’t resist the adorable dresses any longer. So I used some of the Christmas money from Mimi and got them. I think she would have approved wholeheartedly. I got them for summer in a 12 month size, but when they arrived just before St. Patrick's Day I couldn't resist trying on the green dress, and it fits already! I love it =) We've started being more adventurous in the foods we give Serenity, giving her food straight from the table! Ann made potatoes so we mashed one up and gave it to her. Messy, but delicious was the verdict. She also got an edamame, and munched on a piece of celery (I tried not to make icky faces at the celery since she enjoyed it.) She's also tried yogurt now, and she loves toast. |