

Check out what Serenity can do!

Serenity has such good head control!  This weekend she suddenly started lifting her whole chest up when she's in tummy time!  I can get a picture of her whole face!  It's so exciting.  Sometimes it even looks like she's doing pushups on her hands =)  And she rolls really fast now =)   ImageImage

And here's a cute smile picture =)  That I edited in my new adobe photoshop elements!  Woo hoo!

Serenity got a package in the mail from Allie Hopper... it was the "My Dad is a Geek" onesie!  Nate, Allie, Brendan and Meghan had all worn it in pictures, so they wanted to share it with Serenity.  We sent it on to Samantha Vo =)
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Serenity at Almost Three Months

Serenity is two months old!