

Fall Fun!  Botanic Garden, College Friends, Playdates, Finn

Fall Fun! Botanic Garden, College Friends, Playdates, Finn

The Botanic Garden had a fun Monarch exhibit! I’m so glad we made it!

Ice cream for Mimi’s birthday! Our favorite September tradition.

Finn adores his bed, and if you pick it up you are guaranteed to get a playful Finn. DZ giggles when he does this, so cute.

I’ve been going most Tuesdays and Thursdays to Mom’s house! I finished my knitting so I started a sewing project or two =)

Maia and our neighbor built an epic blanket fort!

DZ’s friend has a little sister in Maia’s grade. Sooooo fun!

Ann and John came to visit and we went on a walk at the Arboretum. John and I caught Pokemon, and we peeked in the greenhouse. Pretty!

Gavin and Jennie came to visit! I got to play lots of Mysterium, as the big kids will join in on that game. I love it, and Eric loves luring people into gaming.

The Richards came down to play!

Jennie made me the most beautiful mug!!!!

I went to see PINK with Abbey! I bought Audra’s ticket as this was a rescheduled show. It was AMAZING! Pink does crazy acrobatics while singing and I knew more songs than I realized. Now we’re listening to my Pink Party soundtrack in the car.



Fall School Fun!

Fall School Fun!