

December 1st: Decorate the Yard

December 1st: Decorate the Yard

Wow, only one day into December and I forgot December daily πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Thanks Abbey Richards for posting yours! This year is so weird as our Christmas tree is still upstairs in the forbidden forest! It’s always been up right after Thanksgiving πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. I’m not ready to take apart Maia’s birthday though, so I put Decorate the Yard as our first advent activity. I found some new aqua lights to line the garden bed and driveway, and Maia and Eric decorated the maple out front with some new purple rain led lights! And I got to put out my new Christmas dragon which was my gift from the girls last year πŸ₯°. So cute!

We also started our daily advent calendars. I went easy and prepackaged for these. Sera got Wicked, DZ got a Gravitrax marble run, and Maia got a couple different slime/putty calendars. Maia and I are also doing an escape room advent, with some help from Eric. So fun!

Some of these smelled SO good! Especially the gumdrop.

I love doing Escape Room advents with Maia! She actually wants to finish them almost daily! =)

Even Finn got an Advent Calendar this year. He really loved his cookies!!!

December 2nd: Minute to Win It

December 2nd: Minute to Win It

Maia's Harry Potter Birthday Party!

Maia's Harry Potter Birthday Party!