Odyssey Worlds!
Sera: “I’ve decided a hot glue gun is basically a discount flamethrower.” In related news Odyssey is coming along nicely 😂
Sera and I are off on our Odyssey! she finished tetrising her props and had the inspiration to label the car 🤩 I still can’t believe I volunteered to drive for 30 hours in a week but we had fun in the car! We made an epic playlist that only had to repeat a few times each way and singing along kept me awake! We also had homework bootcamp in the car to catch up on all her missing work. Although the Outsiders made her cry halfway across Missouri, at least it got done ;) So productive as well as nice to get to spend time with my girl!
We took one detour to try and get a few more Oklahoma souvenirs for our buddies from South Korea. Unfortunately we had to go in the wrong direction for 15 minutes to do that… whoops =) Sera got a beautiful glass hummingbird though so worth it.
It felt like we were in Missouri forever ;)
We stopped at McDonald’s for some food… which I felt better about when we got table 42 =)
We made it to Michigan with the props!
Pin towels!!!!! Pin trading was just as much fun as were were told!
Opening ceremonies! Thank goodness for loops! It was my first time trying them but Sera wore them to school all year. They helped SO MUCH!
Long problem is done!!! No penalties and they got credit for all the requirements!! Such great improvement over the course of their first year! I love it! 🤩. Also pin trading is epic. And the towel capes work 🥰🤩
Sera very carefully organized her pins after every trading session. I loved it so much! She ended up with some really cool ones! We only got extra pins once =)
I loved this sculpture! Sera as on board for a pic =)
Sera climbed this tree outside the spontaneous problem and her whole team joined her! They were really excited because the videographer saw them and added them to the slideshow at closing ceremonies!
Creativity Festival! And International Festival =) We got pins from Poland to add to her collection =)
It’s impossible to pick a favorite, but the flowers with the South Korean flag inside are one of them! She also got sugar skull Omers, cute foxes, many flying creatures, and a cool pin that was a dual day/night magical scene. So cool. Her first one was squid game themed. She was also really proud of the medusa pin, since it happened to match her problem so well. We bought a pin to match the Walls of Troy to commemorate her problem for this year. And she kept a set of giraffes from the high school team! I was so glad. She also has a full set of hummingbirds. Just so much fun!!!
Our buddies came to watch our long problem! The kids did GREAT! And they finally got credit for an animated statue. Medusa looked amazing.