Fantastico Road Trip
We are ready! Maia wore her Carmen Sandiego outfit as much as possible this trip. SO ADORABLE
We decided since air travel has been a little iffy, that it would be easier to get to Mexico with just one direct flight. So, we drove to Dallas! The kids love a road trip, bizarrely. I guess it’s a combination of knowing they get to eat at drive-throughs and play on the ipad as much as they want. ;) The day we drove down also happened to be GoFest, so we stopped partway at a park with lots of pokestops so DZ and I could play since I had already bought tickets. The bonus of that was the girls both asked to play too! We had a blast and caught a couple shinies and regionals Torkoal and Tropius, two of the coolest from parts of the world I will definitely never play Pokemon!
Then we headed to Tulsa to have a sleepover at Brian’s house! The kids had so much fun together, although the youngest ones didn’t remember each other. Darn pandemic. But they had fun! Maia and Emily came up with a Harry Potter role play game, and DZ played video games with Emily.