

Spring Fun!

Spring Fun!

March 2021


We checked out a Pusheen cookbook from the library and now Maia wants to make ALL the things! We started with pancakes because I wasn’t feeling as adventurous . But it did require making a mold from aluminum foil


Our second Pusheen recipe attempt! Cake pops . Maia said, “These do wonders for my taste buds!!” Thanks to Aunt Jen for the cake pop advice since we didn’t have the molds the recipe called for!


March 18: Spring break fun! I decided to clean out the craft closet and now they are making all the things Glitter tattoos, DIY bath bombs, origami Pokémon, salt robots. Plus green belt fun with Ava, visiting Papa’s hometown (and getting our first vaccine shots!), and St Patrick’s Day code silliness.

Serenity made a glitter tattoo Dexcom!  Donovan LOVED it! =)

Serenity made a glitter tattoo Dexcom! Donovan LOVED it! =)

Backyard Ball!

Backyard Ball!

They LOVE climbing the fence.  It’s Fiiiiiine Mama!

They LOVE climbing the fence. It’s Fiiiiiine Mama!

My favorite thing is the kids have taken over the game room and made themselves crazy sleeping spots and they stay up late playing games up there all night. .


I scheduled testing for alternative teacher certification! Yay!!! 

March 29

Maia tried a new recipe from her Paul Hollywood cookbook, Victoria Sponge! She couldn’t decide on a jam to use for the whole cake so she sampled all the jam we had on small slices. She said lemon curd was her favorite, followed by cherry!

March 30: We’ve had a fun couple of days!! Our quarantine tree is blooming, and now that my parents are vaccinated we went to visit Grandma and her new kitties and helped Papa start building a shed

Sara Beth

Sara Beth





We LOVE having vaccinated grandparents!!!  We went with Grandma to the Botanic Garden, and we’ve been to her house for dominos and kitty fun frequently!

We LOVE having vaccinated grandparents!!! We went with Grandma to the Botanic Garden, and we’ve been to her house for dominos and kitty fun frequently!

DZ March 2020 =)  He still loves his dnd swords!  And wiffle bats =)

DZ March 2020 =) He still loves his dnd swords! And wiffle bats =)

Climbing the walls ;)

Climbing the walls ;)

Playdate with Hatch!

Playdate with Hatch!

Serenity and I go for walks around campus during her P.E. hour!  The earmuffs, mask and dandelion combination is too cute!

Serenity and I go for walks around campus during her P.E. hour! The earmuffs, mask and dandelion combination is too cute!

Mini Escape Room for St. Patrick’s Day.  The houses were still out so I thought it was time to redecorate, and I changed the lights to green ;)

Mini Escape Room for St. Patrick’s Day. The houses were still out so I thought it was time to redecorate, and I changed the lights to green ;)

April 2020

April 2nd: I won at the library yesterday and picked two books that Maia immediately picked up and couldn’t put down! This series might be fun for school if you don’t have it Shelly Duncan McCollum, they jump into famous paintings! The Fantastic Frame series. Maia asked me to put the whole series on hold


April 3rd: Maia and I made hot cross buns!! We got distracted and skipped the cross step though and they smelled too good to wait for glaze . We have extra mixed peel and sultanas (which are VERY tasty) so we may need to make another batch!!! In helpful news, Alexa can convert Celsius to Fahrenheit for us with all these European recipes

April 11: Science Saturday fun!! We got kits from school for some fun science experiments. So far the kids made mousetrap cars, are growing borax crystals, and Maia made ice cream in a bag almost by herself thanks to the helpful videos So much fun!

We invited Donovan’s class over for a Wiffle Ballgame!  Masked and outdoors felt ok at this point.  Plus Maia got to play with Riley and meet her teacher for next year!  It was so nice to finally meet her in person, we’d been Facebook friends since her son joined Donovan’s class.

We invited Donovan’s class over for a Wiffle Ballgame! Masked and outdoors felt ok at this point. Plus Maia got to play with Riley and meet her teacher for next year! It was so nice to finally meet her in person, we’d been Facebook friends since her son joined Donovan’s class.

Tennis turned into tree climbing and park reading and I love it =)

Tennis turned into tree climbing and park reading and I love it =)


May 5th:

I’m catching up on all the appointments I skipped over the last year. Who knows, maybe I’ll even get a haircut. . But today was the dentist, and I went to a new one by my house. When it was time for fluoride they had mint, bubblegum and I decided to go for the optimistically named cherry cheesecake, figuring it would taste like cough syrup. But it really tasted like cheesecake! . It was foam instead of liquid and so bizarre I kept laughing. What else has changed in the last year?!?

Bunny Hunt

Bunny Hunt

Marvel Movies

Marvel Movies