Maia's Summer Fun
Maia loved getting to play with Braley! They did crafts, played games, and had a blast.
The Richards came to visit us! We went for an evening walk and saw so many fireflies! Maia LOVED them! We texted Serenity and she rode out to see too.
Maia had a few more baseball games. They had a rough season with all the rain, lots of games were cancelled. But she had fun!
Tiny frogs! One benefit of lots of rain =)
We took Braley to the Gathering Place and found a whole new area! The water and sand play area keeps going up to a little mountaintop. SO fun!!! We’ve found new things every time there so far.
We went again with Liz and Katherine. The girls were so happy to be together again!
Maia got to go to her first Girl Scout event! They had a Daisy Launch Star Party at the planetarium in Jenks! We met her friend Annie there, and they had so much fun. We watched a show about planets that looked like a rollercoaster, they made planet play-doh, constellations, and galaxy slime! Oh, and they made rockets, plus they had fun themed snacks. She is SO excited that she finally gets to be a Girl Scout!
Maia was the only one that recorded 20 books on her Summer Reading log! They all READ them, but Serenity and Donovan only cared enough to write down the 8 that got them a medal. Maia got a rocketship! She is such a good reader. She can read whole chapter books, and often stays up until ten reading. It takes her that long to really get sleepy, she is a definite night owl.
Our neighborhood put on a fireworks show! Well, at least some families shot off some pretty fancy fireworks at the basketball court. We went to watch this year, and they got some pretty exciting ones! I definitely don’t want to light them, but they were beautiful to watch!
Maia got her hair cut short! She asked shortly before our trip and we made it to Mr. Will’s in July, which I think is a new record. She really likes it and definitely prefers having less to brush.
Maia is working really hard on mastering monkey bars! She made some real progress in California, there was a set that wasn’t too high so she practiced a lot!
We got several fun new outdoor things for the yard. I bought a second hammock and new straps for the first one, so the kids can swing side by side in the hammocks. One of our neighbors wanted to get rid of a trampoline, so they gave it to us! They even drove it to our house. We put it in the garage and the kids go out there all the time to use it! Serenity’s new routine for the school year is to do some exercise in the morning to help her wake up, and jumping on the trampoline is just what the dr. ordered.
Maia learned to make tamales with Rosario and Grandma! So cool!!! We get to have them for Christmas dinner. Mmmmmm
She got a lego batgirl bunker with her birthday money from Papa
She mastered some cool yoga swing moves!