Donovan Spring 2018
Donovan year 7 2018
Donovan has been amazing gamers all over Tulsa this year. He’s gone with Eric to Covenant for game nights and playing in tournaments. Not only can he pay attention to the games for HOURS, but he can even explain the rules to other players. Adults. Yeah, one player told Eric later his kids can’t focus long enough to play Destiny with him, and they are teenagers. He’s awesome. Such a mini-Eric.
Speaking of mini-Eric, he’s been playing with a nerf football at school most days. We ordered him one for home too, and he’s getting really good at catch.
Donovan is reading chapter books!!! His reading has been getting better all year but all of a sudden he asked for a chapter book. I gave him Mercy Watson, and was so excited that he was interested, but even I didn’t think to hope that he would read ALL of the Mercy Watson books in just a few days! He’s read all of those now, plus quite a few Rainbow Magic Fairy chapter books, some superhero beginning chapter books, a book called Little Rhino which is a baseball beginning reader chapter book. At the book fair he begged for Dogman books. I bought him two and told him if he read those we could talk about ordering more. Well, he read those THAT DAY and so we got more from the book fair. He read Diva and Flea, which was a pretty long book too! He is just flying. It’s so much fun. One night he came and rocked in my chair with me while we were each reading our books, and the next morning he crawled into bed with us, book in hand and read another chapter =) Soo sweet and snuggly and adorable.
Donovan has settled on a Star Wars theme for his birthday. It fits because he plays destiny with Eric a ton. He leans toward the bad guys, and I think he’s going to get a Boba Fett costume to wear to his party.
Baseball season is in full swing now! Donovan’s having a blast with his team, which includes Joseph, Trip and Hatcher from school. They practice once a week and have a game once a week, although with a couple of rainouts we’re having two games a week and no practices this week and next week. His team hasn’t won yet, and one day he felt discouraged because the other team seemed much better than them. This week the match was more even though, and I really am proud of how hard he’s working. He practices throwing tennis balls against the wall and catching them, and begs Eric to throw to him. Even I play catch with him some and it’s a lot of fun now that he can catch most of them! =) He wants to improve his batting skills now so I think we are going to hit the batting cages soon.
Donovan had his first role in the Drama Festival! He was young George Washington! He wore his suspenders from Alli’s wedding and was darling. He did a great job!
Donovan loves picking out fancy clothes. While Ann was here she took him shopping and he got the CUTEST outfit! A chambray vest and pants which perfectly match his favorite hat and looks cute with his wooden bow tie! Adorable!!!!
Donovan got to be star student at last in March! He was so diligent creating his poster. He said that when he grows up he wants to be an author and illustrator! He colored in every inch of his poster! He has been drawing more lately too. We made a swaddling blanket for his teacher Mrs. Robison’s baby at school, and he was the first one called to color on it and he kept coloring for the entire time as his classmates finished and left. He didn’t even leave to go get a piece of cookie cake! He drew a tiger. Then he drew the baby on the tiger, and Mrs. Robison behind the tiger. He drew himself in front of the tiger so that the tiger wouldn’t run off with the baby. =)
DZ got a home run! After he made it back to the dugout he said “that was TIRING!” It was a pretty warm day and a long run =) He’s getting so much better every time he plays. He threw a ball from the outfield all the way to home plate! Everyone was yelling for him to throw to second, halfway to home, but he got the ball to home so they said, Ok then =)
At another game, Donovan got in a pickle! He made it to first, and got the signal to go to second, so he started running that way when the second baseman got the ball and started to chase him. So he ran back to first, but when the second baseman threw the ball to first he switched directions and made it to second base! So cool!
Donovan is learning to play piano! He's doing really well, and he even practices without me reminding him all the time! I do ask him sometimes, but he also does extra practices just because he likes it. So fun! After his first recital he said he wanted to play at another recital the next day!
Facebook moments:
I told Donovan he couldn’t wear a pair of pants to school because they have holes in the knees. So yesterday he wore them backwards so you couldn’t see the holes 😂😂😂
DZ helped assemble some new furniture for his room =)
Birthday treats are still chocolate donuts =) Mmmmm
Spring Concert Cuties =)
HIking at Turkey Mountain with Ann and John =)