

Halloween 2017!

Halloween 2017!


Donovan chose another Pokemon for Halloween!  This year, he is Umbreon, which is absolutely perfect.  He kind of wanted to be Umbreon last year, but I mentioned that people might not know who he was since Umbreon wasn’t in Pokemon Go at the time. So he chose Vaporeon and was adorable. But with the second generation they added Umbreon, and so DZ went for it this year.  He has an Umbreon stuffie, and Umbreon pillow pet that Serenity got him last year, and he named all the Umbreon on my pokemon account UmbryDZ.  So cute.  He has even said he wants to be Umbreon again next year, except with blue accents instead of yellow, as Umbreon glows blue when attacking I guess. 

Vulpix wanted to take a pic with Umbry DZ =)

Vulpix wanted to take a pic with Umbry DZ =)

Maia knew exactly what she wanted to be for Halloween this year: a polar bear!  It was so much fun because she settled on it very definitely, with no wavering.  She growled and roared her way through October.  I found a pattern that would work for the costumes that all three kids had selected.  It was called a Scoodie, a kind of scarf hat.  Maia’s was white with ears and paws on the pockets.  She loved it and was so adorable in it!  I had plenty of time so I made a little tunic and leggings out of some crushed velvet and added a little belt to hold a tail.  The belt was so she could wear the tail with other clothes, but as it turned out it also allowed me to change her polar bear into Princess Celestia for her birthday!  Awesome =) Eric chose to match her for Halloween, since he had matched the other kids in previous years, and I think that made her ecstatic that Daddy was a polar bear too. =)

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  Maia loved trick-or-treating, and she knew just what to do this year.  She said Happy Halloween, and thank you, and Trick or Treat!  We walked in the parade with the neighborhood, which took forever to get started but it was fun anyway.  There was a fire truck at the clubhouse, which Maia adored!  Her friend Gabriel had a firetruck visit his birthday party and we almost couldn’t get her out of it.  She went trick-or-treating for a little while with Daddy, but after the first round she had plenty of candy and was tired.  It was basically her bedtime anyway, so I kept her home with me and got her into her pajamas.  I think her favorite part of the evening was helping me pass out candy and bouncy balls! She got so excited when anyone came to the door, and she asked everyone what their costumes were and was very complimentary. 

Serenity wanted to be a fox =)  I thought that was so cute, since the Vulpix she chose last year is very foxy as well.  It was a fun costume to make!  

We added something special to our Halloween fun this year: an inflatable dragon for our yard!  It was SOOOO cool.  I’m not a huge Halloween person (besides costumes obviously) but one of our neighbors had a big dragon that I coveted for years.  I love the one we got even more because it is brightly colored so it shows up REALLY well even at night.  People came by to tell us they took pictures with it and their kids loved it.  Our kids adore it and Maia would say hello to Dragony all the time.  They could not agree on a name for it though.  Serenity wanted to call it Lunissima or  Nessissima (probably trying to jazz up Nessie, which is what I wanted to call it), and Donovan wanted to call it Lightning Fire Drill like his stuffed dragon friend.  Maia called her Dragony and Twilight.  Soooo we’ll have to revisit the name situation next year I guess.   


The school Halloween Carnival was fun as always =)  We had it primarily in the West Wing and the gym this year, which made logistics a lot easier for me.  I made a cow herding game where the kids had to ride on those bouncy ball things and herd cow balloons down the gym and back.  This was hilarious and so much fun!  I also made a Snake in my Boot game, which backfired a bit as I found snakes in my boots later at home that I hadn’t cleaned out properly afterwards.  We also used my plinko games, cornhole toss, and a horseshoes set left from Serenity’s unicorn party.  It was a bit glittery for the Wild West theme but it worked.  Another class made a roping game that Maia particularly enjoyed.  It’s so much fun to see the kids with their friends, and this is the first year Maia has really enjoyed the carnival and not just been overwhelmed by it.  She bounced up and down with joy to see Ms. Parent, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. McBride. 

November 2017

November 2017

Serenity in September and October

Serenity in September and October