

June Tulsa Visit

I was so happy to get to visit Tulsa in June!  It isn't often that there's a break in the wedding schedule in the summer, but my boss needed to go to Mexico to a spa =)  So I got to go home!  Little Casey was singing in the Lion King with his summer camp.  It was so cute.  He sang, I just can't wait to be king, and he had a really good roar!  He also sang Hakuna Matata.  His newest toy was a big slide bounce and splash, which is basically a blown up plastic raft that you cover with water and slide across into a shallow pool.  It was so much fun to watch!  Later on, Alek and KaLynn got to try it too. 

Not only did I get to go to Tulsa the week of Casey's performance, but Alli was visiting Mom, so I got to see her too!  We had a blast, staying up late watching movies and playing games.  Alek and KaLynn came over, and that was even more fun because we could play soccer games like numbers, and pictionary.  KaLynn was my partner, and at one point we were on such a wavelength that she got pirate instantly from a very sketchy boat and stick figure.  =)  Alek started up a myspace account, which was nice. =)  And Alli photoshopped his head onto a body builder.  We rented like five movies together, and stayed up until all hours watching them.  The funniest moment was probably when the kids got on a kick of speaking in accents.  I think they were going for Russian.  Sometimes French or Spanish.  Always hilarious! 

Casey and his Slip and Slide! I must have taken a hundred pictures of him doing this =)
Casey, Barrett and Me!
Barrett loved the swing! I wish you could hear him giggle =)
Raegan =) She is such a sweetheart!
Here's me juggling all three kids. Pushing Barrett and Casey and holding Raegan =)
Raegan wants to dance! She does the cutest thing, kicking up her legs while she's on all fours.
KaLynn and Grandma bake lemon cupcakes
Alek playing numbers, where you try to juggle the soccer ball. I think he did six or seven! =)
The ducks! Their names are Sally Sue, Betty Joe, Goosey Lucy and Goosey Gander... and maybe Sara. I can't remember, but KaLynn, Casey and Alek named them =)
Alli and Casey playing around.

Shadowfist and Nwn

April Oklahoma Visit