

Donovan January and February 2017


Donovan Year 6 2016


Donovan has had a fun winter!  He is absolutely amazing at games.  He can play Epic Duels, and is working hard on his reading so he can read all the cards and play all the guys.  He and his Daddy read chess books at bedtime most nights, and he spends his quiet time working on chess puzzles.  He understands strategy and can add big numbers in his head when he is adding up scores!

He loves to play with both his sisters.  It is adorable, all three of them play together sometimes.  Sometimes, he is the bridge between them.  He will pile up pillows and play silly little games with Maia, or he will build forts and create amazing pretend worlds with Serenity.  He is just a great friend and loves people.  His teachers at school rave about this.  He treats everyone like a friend and really enjoys playing with people.

After his parent teacher conference, Eric took Donovan on a special trip to see the Lego Batman movie with Barrett.  He’s so easygoing, it would be easy to forget all the ways he cooperates, and how enthusiastically he participates at school.  So he got a special treat to show we notice all those things.

He was a huge help during cookie sales.  He went to a couple booths with Serenity, and he did as much work as anyone, holding signs and waving at customers.  He also loved moving cookies around the garage and loading up the car with boxes.  I need to get him a cookie shirt next year!

Eric took Donovan and Serenity to see Cirque with Carson, Raegan, Mike and Kelly.  They adored it!  Then the next night, we all went to Paw Patrol Live.  It was a very busy weekend, but so fun!  I love that all my kids still enjoy Paw Patrol together.

Moana has been a big hit in our house.  After listening to the soundtrack and falling in love with the music, Donovan asked to go see it in theaters.  Eric was thrilled because he hadn’t gotten to see it yet, and he had heard such good things about it.  So they went together and loved it.  Donovan loves all the songs, especially the ones Moana sings, and the Maui song.  He asks for tracks 7 and 11 every single car ride.

Ann and John came for a nice visit, and the kids reveled in having their grandparents here!  Donovan and Serenity learned to play cards!  Vanaema taught them Own Trump, which was a childhood favorite of Eric’s.  So now they know a card game I don’t know how to play!  And they also began to teach them Spades.  SO EXCITING!!!!!


Maia in January and February

Maia is Three Years Old!