Maia is saying bookee again! Makes me happy, it is too cute! Her favorite books this month are still Christmas books. =) She especially loves Click Clack Ho Ho Ho. She even recites parts of this book when she's playing other things. "Uh-oh! Duck is stuck! The sheep are stuck!" We brought Frosty in out of the car and once again we are reading it regularly. Last week we got Kitten's First Full Moon and she has had me read it again and again. I love rocking with her and reading books!
She loves lego duplos, and has lots of fun building them. I made a little rainbow for her one day and encouraged her to match the colors. She enjoyed it, although if I didn't keep saying, where does the red go, or can you match the color, she would just build randomly. She spent part of her kiddlestix money on a lego duplo batman set, which came with a kitten she loves. And her brother happily helped her put together the batman, superman and wonder woman part. She also got several alphabet puzzles for her birthday which she does nearly every day. At kiddlestix we also got a latches wooden puzzle that I had been eyeing since Serenity was a baby. Well, she adores that and can now open every single type of latch. And she will if anyone dares shut it. We sat together on the couch for a full hour with me latching them and her opening them.
We have had beautiful weather this month, so we've spent plenty of time outside. Without bug bites! She still adores the sandbox, and often asks to swing awhile.
She still plays with her rice box! I sort of planned to put that away after a week, and bring it out on days it was too cold to go outside. But she plays with it so much I just took out the forest stuff it started with, and changed up the stuff buried in it. One week we had an alphabet theme, with all her various alphabet puzzle pieces hidden inside. Another week we put the tea sets in there, and all three kids enjoyed that! This week I put pirates and other treasure in there, along with some random little figures, like Strawberry Shortcake, tiana, etcetera. Fun fun!
She watches a lot of Super Why, and still points out every letter she sees and tells you its sound. I'm working now on trying to get her to think of words that start with different letters, but she's usually too busy telling me about other letters to do anything else =)