

December 22nd: Another lovely day =)

December 22nd: Another lovely day =) On Epic Lego day I pulled out the big lego duplo tub for Maia, which we hadn't had out in a while.  Since then, the big kids have been playing with them too!  Serenity made an awesome rainbow pyramid, which made Eric very proud as he used to make those for her when she was Maia-sized.  She and DZ covered it with all the lego people, and Maia played with it a lot after that.  Later they made a pair of phoenixes and flew them all over the house.  I just love all the intricate storytelling that goes into that!  Serenity also got out the Lego mermaid castle that Grandma got her for Christmas, and put that together while Donovan completed his ninjago set.  Such fun!

All three kids playing legos together.  I LOVE IT!!!

I made a reindeer and tried to make Santa's Sleigh before Maia hijacked my work.  =)

After Alex, Alli and Siqi got up (They stayed up past 3 am playing games with Eric the night before) we played even more games!  We played some hands of spades face up so Eric could teach some of his best strategies.  There were several games of Dominion, 7 Wonders, oh lots of great fun!


The advent activity was supposed to be crafting, and I printed some Do-a-dot pages, but we didn't get around to that.  Having too much fun =)

December 23rd: Christmas Tree Sleepover

December 20th: Christmas on the Farm