7/29 Maia is talking so much more these days!!! The other day as we were leaving the library where she met a little girl her age, she said "bye cute baby!" over and over. It was so cute =) And so clear! It's very interesting because for a while she said a few words, but then it seemed like she was trying to talk in paragraphs and I didn't understand any words at all, but all of a sudden I can. She knows the names of all the Backyardigans and the Paw Patrol characters, and will point at them in books and say their names. She "reads" all the little board book sets we have aloud. Each page has a word and a picture and she knows. We have about fifty of these so I was astonished when she started picking them up and saying what was on each page. Even though we read them often we have so many I didn't think we'd gone through them enough for her to memorize. She said "Dada out!" from her crib yesterday, and she says "Pizza!" whenever someone comes to the door. =) We may be eating a lot of takeout during our move.... Oh, and her most common request is Paw Patrol, which sounds like Pa Puh Tee. =) She says outside, swing, and sliiii. So many things. It's so nice when she can actually say what she wants, she's much less frustrated.
Maia is a climber. She climbs over the back of the couch constantly. She is very busy all the time and doesn't like being limited in where she can go =) Which is fine in the baby proofed house but a bit more challenging when we visit =)
Her favorite books right now are the Bunny Rabbit Show and Super Why Christmas. Favorite toys at the moment are probably her wooden puzzle from Vanaema or the stacking cups we got with her gift from Papa. She lines them up and then stacks them =) She got into the marble run the other day and started stacking the purple squares on top of all the brown ones, and she was not open to other patterns. =) She had a plan!
She recently gave up her high chair, which was ok for awhile but now she just wants to take all her food into the other room to eat on the couch. And forget about finishing meals. Plus we need to keep the house tidy so we can put it on the market. So the new rule is food only in the kitchen, so whenever she gets up from the table I take away whatever she tries to wander off with. She's not pleased with the new rule. The other day she grabbed two huge handfuls of cheerios and stuffed them in her mouth before leaving the table to work around it. =)