I had so much to write about our wonderful California trip that it got its own post... but Serenity's post for this month is still long! What a great month!
Serenity made up a song this morning =) "Fairies" There's something magical going on, I feel a tingle of excitement in me/ Fairies please come down here, It's ok I'm right here. It's all riiiiiiight. Humm hummmm It was so much fun =) =) She's really into reading the Rainbow Magic Fairy books right now. Thank goodness the library has them because she's read as many as four in a single day.
March was a great month! We had game night at school. Serenity mostly spent it upstairs playing games with Daddy, although she did come down long enough for me to give her some money for pizza, and to play one game of Robot Turtles with Avalon and her family.
Serenity got to participate in the Drama Festival for the first time. She was Queen Elizabeth. She had her line memorized right away. "I am Queen Elizabeth. I was the first English Queen to rule without a husband." We got to make her costume. We went online and researched Elizabethan clothing, and Serenity knew just what to do. She put on every single skirt she owned under a fancy dress to make it poof out enough like Queen Elizabeth's did. =) I had bought some blue velour that I thought would make a cute Elsa dress the last time we were in California, so we turned it into a Renaissance dress. With some lace at the sleeves and a high fancy collar it looked just like something Queen Elizabeth would wear. And I got to learn all about supportasses, which is the wiring that holds up one of those crazy collars. Serenity didn't want the ruff, she liked the collar better, and it was very fancy =) She also loved getting to wear a lot of Granny Hale's jewelry the day of the play. So much fun! Her friends played other historical figures that the kids had studied this year, and Lillyan and Arjun were time travelers that used a Time Machine to visit. Serenity and DZ drew pictures of what they thought a time machine would look like, and I combined that with my plan to make the machine =) It used Donovan's sit n spin as a giant gear that the kids could actually turn, plus antennae that Serenity thought of with copper wiring. And we printed a huge map of the world made out of gears and colored it. =) It worked great!
Spring has finally arrived in Oklahoma! I got some new gardening tools for the kids. A couple of new trowels and a foot shovel that is just their size. Serenity celebrated by digging holes all over the yard and filling them with birdseed. The birds have been extremely happy. She did put a little in the birdfeeders too =) Then she and our neighbor, Karen, decided they should dig up the swamp next to our leaky hose to find lots of worms. It was like a robin buffet! And now the rule is if you dig a hole you have to fill it back in when you're done with it =) The shovel came in handy for making our Sunflower House too!
We participated in the Superhero Challenge last weekend! The kids loved it! We got there early and had lots of time to play on the inflatables before the race. Serenity's girl scout troop decided to donate a portion of their cookie sales to the child abuse network, so they got to present a check. They sold 7,700 boxes of cookies! Amazing! And they also had a booth to serve cookies to the racers. Serenity left the inflatables to help set that up without any hesitation, which made me very proud. =) The race itself had lots of challenges to test superhero skills, like hurdles, and crawling under lasers, stuff like that. And it ended at a giant inflatable obstacle course. The kids loved it!
Serenity lost a tooth at school yesterday. Her teacher told me it was a tooth epidemic, at least four kids lost it that day! I think they were holding out to get the nifty box they give you at school.