2/4 January is usually a slow month for me, journaling wise. I'm usually recovering from Christmas and December Daily =) Life is pretty calm and slow this month, and I revel in it as much as I love the busy times too =)
Serenity is getting SO grown up. It's astonishing to me really, even though I am with her every day. I consciously try to find times to be just with her, so this month we had a bookstore date. She's reading chapter books voraciously, and although usually I get them for her online, going to an actual store and shopping for them together was such a joy! She told me in the car she wanted to find more Never Girls books and Secret Kingdom books, and luckily they had them! We actually bought two copies of one of the Never Girls books so she and I could read them at the same time for a little book club =) Eric ended up reading it too! Love it! I also bought her the Secret Garden! She's been reading that one for a whole week, which I love so much. I love sharing a book that I love with her, and I love that it's taking her more than a day since that way I get to read a chapter to her here and there. Her birthday party, which probably will have a Nature Girl theme, may also have elements of Never Girls and Secret Gardens =)
Her Daisy troop has been doing lots of exciting things! We are gearing up for cookie sales, which I'm both excited for and dreading. Selling things is not my best skill, but I recognize it's a very valuable one. Maybe she and I both will become more comfortable with it. =) She earned a Money Counts badge for learning about money, another petal for Respecting Yourself and Others, and her Amazing Daisy patch for reciting the entire Girl Scout law. She recited it in front of the entire troop! I was so proud of her. And when I first learned she had memorized it I was truly surprised. She did it months ago on her own, just from reading her Daisy Scouting book to herself. I can't even recite it, it's really long! She is really good at memorizing things.
Serenity has started taking a Musical Theater class. They got their parts last week, she is Flounder! So exciting! The class is for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade, so there are all different ages with her. The play is the Little Mermaid, so we will be singing Under the Sea until the performance in May. So far, her favorite song is Le Poisson. =) She's shown me a little of their dances and it's going to be adorable.