

December 19th: Christmas Cards

December 19th: Christmas Cards  

Well, we got some Christmas cards in the mail today. But the process was mostly in the kids hands so I'm not sure how many will get where they are going, and we only managed a dozen or so before the thrill of stamping envelopes was gone, so I'll spoil the surprise by posting the pic.

christmascard2014 copy

Plus I'll post a pic Eric took of Serenity and me running to the mailbox in bare feet in the dark to mail them. =)


The rest of the day was nice. Eric worked from home one more day so that his office hopefully doesn't get sick, so I got to run to the library and Target with just Maia. Hopefully the LAST shopping trip of the season. I have cookie ingredients but a sneaking suspicion I forgot to buy toilet paper so I may not be that lucky. Then the kids and I finished up the crafts we've been working on this week, salt dough ornaments and snow globes. And finally we got to go to Lillyan's house for a playdate! It was a blast. Donovan and Lillyan's little brother Brennan played really well, and I got to chat with Amy. And I covet all the aqua blue things she has at her house =)

December 20th: Christmas with Papa

December 18th: Making it snow