

Maia is Five Months Old! =)

Love my feet =) Maia5months copy


Maia's favorite noise right now is a piercing shriek =) It's all-purpose right now. She uses it when she's feeling gleeful, indignant, when she's getting tired, with only a slight variation in the tone to indicate whether she's happy shrieking or indignant shrieking. Much fun =) She's also giggling more, especially at her silly siblings. She still coos and gurgles a lot, with the occasional "hi" thrown in. =) I think we have another talker =)


She seems to be working on teeth, at least she loves chewing and has reached the drooling point when I give in and actually put on a bib occasionally. It's that or find her soaked to the waist after ten minutes. =) She's still calm most of the time and cheerful so far. She also likes biting on toys, especially the cat pacifier. She likes the mirrored toy she got in her Easter basket a lot, and the sqwish, and this bumblebee teething ring that I feel we must have stolen from somewhere as I don't recognize it. Barrett came over to help babysit her and he watched her drooling all over her toys and his comment was, "That is highly unsanitary."


Sophia passed the jumperoo back so Maia has enjoyed that this month =) She doesn't bounce a whole lot but occasionally Serenity wiggles it for her to make her grin, and she likes the toys in it, and being upright is such fun! And Mama can only stand her up in her lap for so long =) She loves standing and sitting and rolls easily both ways now, so she's a busy girl =)


She loves playing with her feet, which I find adorable =) She still likes riding in the Moby, which is good because she's getting so big my arms get tired without it!

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Watching Serenity and DZ on the bunny trail

Sweet snuggly girl =)

They look so cute =)  I left for the restroom only to be called back by Jen's piercing shriek when Maia got her hair and Grandma couldn't get her to let go. =)

Snuggling Grandma =)

Our fateful walk up Turkey Mountain...

She can escape the play gym!

She loves the blanket with all the ribbon loops I made her now =)

She gives sweet "I'm trying to eat your face" kisses.  While holding onto your hair for dear life =)  Love it!

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Serenity in May

Donovan in April