

It's July!!!!

I'm due in just five days!  It's incredible to believe that July is here!!!!  I think I've been waiting until now to even start thinking about her actually coming =)  Yesterday after my doctor appointment I was suddenly so excited and impatient for her to arrive!!!  I wanted my baby NOW!!!   I think today I'm more relaxed again... I took a bath and remembered how much I'm enjoying just being pregnant, so I think I'm ok to wait until she's ready to come =)  Yesterday I was considering taking long walks and eating spicy foods to encourage her to come.  I might still eat the spicy foods but just because I'm trying to teach her to like them while I have a captive audience =)  Here's my 39 week picture, and a picture of the bunny I made with the last of my 2000 two inch quilt squares.  I can't believe I used them up!  The feet and ears are minkee, so they're fuzzy and soft =)  Eric wants to name the bunny Bair... because I couldn't decide whether to make the baby a bunny or a teddy bear for a long time.  And he loves to confuse the baby =)
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Serenity Diane Wainright!
