I am so thankful for this snuggly sweet boy =) He loves to play pretend, make people laugh, and has the sweetest smile. =) I'm am so lucky to be his Mama.
Donovan is very visually perceptive. He actually notices things around him. Like if you ask him where a specific toy is, he can often go right to it. I think he's better at this than Eric! And it still surprises me. Like today, I pulled out Zingo. I was prepared to nudge him into noticing what he needed on his card, and to paying attention to which tile came out of the Zingo box. But he didn't need help! He even beat me to one of the tiles that we both needed. We're not focused on the winning thing, as we play until both cards are full, but I was ready to have to wait for him to see what tile came up, and then check his card, and for that process to take a while. But it didn't! He remembered what he needed a lot of the time, and picked it up right away! The only problem we ran into was when the soccer ball came up, and he realized it wasn't on his card. So he dumped his nearly full card and started with a different one, which he dumped when it didn't have a spot for a train tile. So we had to make a new rule that we don't switch cards until it's full and we get to say Zingo =) But it was fun!
Donovan and Serenity have a game when they're reading together. On every page they pick a person to be. Like in "Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs," on one page Serenity will be the pink dinosaur, and Donovan will be the blue. Daddy is usually green, and I'm yellow. They did this in a toy catalogue that Serenity read to Donovan for several nights in a row too. Donovan was the polar bear, Serenity was the lion, etcetera. Well, last night we read Serenity's human body book. We got to the section of the heart, and Serenity said, I think I'm the left atrium. What do you want to be Mama? So I chose the left ventricle, since it was the same side as Serenity. Then she asked Donovan and he chose the right ventricle =) So Daddy ended up as the right atrium.
Donovan made up the cutest song. 90% of the lyrics were, "I like sister, I like sister." Every now and again he'd throw in an "I like Mama," "I like Daddy," Or "I like Donovan" but mostly it was all about sister =)