

14 Weeks!



It's the end of the first trimester!  I decided to take a couple of pregnancy pictures this time.  I did it every month with Serenity but I just did it once with a professional photographer with DZ.  Since this may be the last time, I thought I'd try for at least one per trimester this time =)  I'm definitely showing already.  I've probably gained too much weight, but I'm too busy to worry about it too much.  I have an elliptical machine now and I'm trying to get in to an exercise routine a little earlier this pregnancy.  Maybe that will help!  I hope to alternate between walking/elliptical and my yoga. Serenity talks about baby Starfish all the time.  She even made a book as a present for the baby!  It's a Christmas book since the baby will be arriving right around then.  It was her idea, so sweet.  She's asked a few questions about when she was a baby, and when Donovan was in my tummy.  I told her the silliest thing that happened when I was pregnant with her was that Daddy played ball with her when she was in my tummy.  He got this stuffed jingly ball for his first father's day and immediately threw it right at my tummy.  She thought this was hilarious, and wanted to know what the funniest thing that happened when DZ was in my tummy.  I told her it was the time she had a tea party with him.  She poked me in the tummy with her tea pot so that he could share, and she sang Happy Birthday to him while he was still in my tummy.  So she didn't want Starfish to be left out, so she gzrbrted my tummy several times so she could give Starfish a silly moment. =)


I feel fine, although my system had definitely been thrown for a loop with this pregnancy, much more than with the first two.  I can tell a difference between first and second trimester already.  I'm shifting to be nocturnal now =)  Instead of falling asleep at 9pm, I have the most productive time of my day from 9 to midnight, and I'm still not sleepy when I get in bed.  And then I want a nap around 10am.  At least I'm getting some projects done at night again!  Around 12 weeks I had that moment when you think, "Wow, there's an actual person in there!"  I am so curious what this baby will be like!  He'll be wiggling around in a few weeks, and soon I hope we can find out whether we're having a boy or a girl!!!

Serenity is Five Years Old!!!!!!

Donovan's Birthday Party!