

Pregnancy Journal #3

Abbey pointed out that I wasn't very good about posting about my pregnancy with Donovan.  I wrote it all down still, but I guess I didn't share much of it.  So I'll try to do a little better this time.  =)  Here's the journal entry I wrote when I was still keeping everything a secret!

We're having another baby!  I was just as surprised and thrilled as with the other two.  I suspected I was pregnant because of a few symptoms...I was really thirsty.  The main symptom was total klutziness though.  In just a few weeks I fell off the sidewalk, dropping Serenity and spraining my ankle.  I tripped on my own feet walking across the kitchen and got my finger stuck in our dining room chairs. And I backed my car into a parked car!  Total baby brain.  Jennifer figured it out first after hearing about my klutzy moments over a few weeks.  Then I finally took a test.  I told Eric I knew what I was going to give him for his birthday, and he was like, "well, are you going to tell me what it is, or just keep me in suspense all year?"  Then I blurted out that we were having a baby and his whole face just lit up.  I love him so much, he is just the best Daddy.


I've been keeping it secret for three weeks now!  Crazy, isn't it?  I'm terrible with secrets, but I got my heart set on telling the kids first at our next photography session so I could have a picture of their reactions to the news.  But we couldn't get in to see the photographer until Mother's Day so we haven't told ANYONE!  It feels SO weird, but I just don't want to risk the kids finding out too soon.  I have to be really sneaky with Serenity.  Writing this journal while she's at school for example, since she can read anything and she notices everything now.


So far this baby has thrown me for a little bit more of a loop than the other two.  My digestion is slowing way down so I have to figure out how to eat without getting queasy afterwards.  Smaller meals more often seems to help, and lemon water which I'm drinking constantly.  But sometimes I forget and eat like I normally do, and that's not fun.  I'm still so grateful to not be sick to the point that I have to throw up.  I don't know how people with real morning sickness have second babies.  I got food poisoning or a stomach bug (the whole family did) and it just took forever to get my equilibrium back after that.


I had a couple of weeks where I dreamed about soft carbs... the kind I almost never eat because they are so bad for you.  White cake, dinner rolls, white bread.  Jennifer made me her delicious dinner rolls.  It was such a treat!


I feel like the baby's a boy, because it feels more like it did with Donovan, but I'm already anxiously awaiting our week 20 ultrasound when we might get to find out for sure.  I'll feel happy and sad either way, because I would love to have two of each, but we're pretty sure this is the last one for us.  Serenity pretends everyone is her sister, including her friends Harper and Lorelai from school and Vanaema, so I know she'd love a sister.  But Donovan would love a brother too.  I love this baby already though, whatever the case may be.  =)


Oh right, I'm due the end of December, so birthday buddy for Barrett!  Christmas and Advent are going to be very exciting this year!  Daddy's birthday is possible too.  It's so funny, I always said I'd try to avoid a December birthday since we have so many in our family, but I just don't care anymore.  =)


This photo at the top is the moment when I told Serenity and Donovan we are having a baby.  Serenity's first question was, "What's his name?"  When I told her I didn't know, and I didn't even know if the baby would be a boy or a girl, she said, "Don't worry.  If it's a girl, we will call her Pearl.  If it's a boy, he can be Starfish."  Serenity said it was thrilling news!  Later in the afternoon, she started chanting baby and got Donovan started as well. =)


End of the Year Shenanigans

Donovan is 23 Months Old!!!