Our Easter =)
Introducing Donovan to Easter fun and games was such a blast! His first taste of it was our kindness day activity, egging the cousin's houses. We took a big bag of Easter Eggs over to their house and hid eggs in their front yard for them to find when they got home from school. I was surprised that he actually willingly hid the eggs and didn't try to keep them. He loved putting them on rocks and wherever I pointed. Serenity, in the meantime, ran all over the yard finding great spots. Too great, each set of cousins had one egg that remained hidden. She'd toss them into the middle of bushes, put them in drainpipes, all kinds of fun!
The next week we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a local park. I always forget how FAST these go! They did divide the kids by age, but 0-5 is a pretty big range. Serenity managed to get plenty of eggs, but Donovan just got one. He loved running in the pack with the kids though, and a little boy dressed as Batman gave him another. Just enough to shake like crazy, and then throw clear across the park. I'm not sure that we explained Easter Egg Hunting well enough to him.
Saturday we had a little Easter Egg hunt at home. I printed off coupons for treats and activities, and put a single mini marshmallow in each one, so I didn't have to worry about policing how much candy they ate. Serenity has already cashed in her coupon for staying up past bedtime, getting ice cream, picking dinner (Wendy's of course) and for building a huge crazy fort. It's a castle surrounding her bed. She still has huge hug, park pass, and undivided attention for 30 minutes to go!
Sunday Morning we had our traditional Easter Bunny Scavenger Hunt. We typed up clues and Serenity followed them to find bunnies. Donovan really loved this. He hugged the bunnies they found and said "So happy, so happy bunny!" The final clue led them to their Easter baskets, which held some books I got at the school book fair, some fruit snacks, and the best bubble blowers I've ever found. Serenity's puts little bubbles inside big bubbles, which delights me every time. =) Donovan doesn't want to hold his blower (it's motorized) but he adores chasing them around the yard.
We enjoyed lunch Sunday with Jen's family. Donovan idolizes his older cousins, especially Casey right now. They are both so good with him, and Barrett really goes out of his way to find things Donovan will like. We hunted more eggs (filled mostly with raisins and fruit snacks, because Billie is a genius.) and enjoyed a yummy lunch with the first ham I have ever eaten. I've tried ham before, but Casey's smoked ham I actually ate. =)
We did also manage a few Easter crafts. I'd been pinning things all year, so it was about time we did them =) We did q-tip Easter Egg painting, which turned out super cute and both kids loved! At least Donovan loved it until he realized it meant washing off the paint afterwards. Serenity was still ready to craft so we made an Easter egg collage using flowers she gathered from the yard. Then she wanted to get out the do-a-dots, and both kids joined in to make eggs out of that.