

Serenity's November in Pictures =)

There's been so much journaling this month between Thanksgiving, Decorating, and the start of our advent that there are just a few things I didn't cover. So here are a few of my favorite pics of Serenity this month =)













Tonight's plan was to make a Thanksgiving craft.  Serenity thought that up all on her own, which is totally awesome because I've been wanting to come up with some sort of thankful activity to list things we are thankful for.  Here are the first things she said: "I'm thankful for my sweet Mama and my sweet brother and my sweet Daddy.  I'm thankful that we get to do crafts (she was probably reacting to my excitement about the plan for tomorrow =)  and she's thankful for the new kitchen.  Hee hee =)



I sang some Christmas carols yesterday and Serenity did her own interpretive dance.  Then she asked me to sing more because she wanted to dance more.  It makes me question quitting our dance lessons!

November 29th: New book day!

November 28th (Lights at Rhema and hot chocolate)