

December 27th: Playdate

December 27th: Playdate!Today we had a playdate with Serenity’s friend Emerson from school. It was so much fun! The girls really played together, following each other around the playground, racing over bridges and jumping around rocks. I had a great time talking to Amanda, Emerson’s mom. It’s so nice to get to chat with another mother. =) After we got cold we headed over to Cherry Berry for a yogurt treat. Donovan was great the whole time. He went to Amanda happily, babbled occasionally and snuggled with me. At the yogurt place he was determined to get to my food, and was finally content when I relinquished my spoon to him. After we got Donovan down for his second nap of the day, Serenity and I made wrote some thank you notes and played a little Busy Town. We just love our new game!

December 28th: Shopping with Grandma

December 26th: Campout