Hotel Information
We have a block of rooms reserved at the Hilton Hotel at the following address:
Hilton Tulsa Southern Hills
7902 South Lewis
Tulsa, OK
The price for a single room for up to four people is $74 per night.
Special Note:
Mr Mello went snooping for better rates, using the rate page from the web site, and he came up with a $55 dollar room for 2 people, for 4 people the rate was $80, so the $74 is still a better bet if you are filling up the room, but if you are not then you may want to see what kind of rates yu can get. If you do try this avenue please e-mail Eric and tell him what the results were.
Call this number to make your reservation and ask for a room in the Bair/Wainright wedding block and you should be able to obtain this price.
National chain number: 1-800-444-7263
Hilton Southern Hills
Checkin 3pm
Checkout noon
Hospitality Suite is available for use before and after these times.
If you don't get this quoted price, please contact Chrissie or Eric ASAP.
Shuttle is available from the airport.
Other directions are available from the directions page.