

Newenhoe 2005

Every Wednesday Jack and Patricia have been hosting dinners as well as Neverwinter Nights.  For those who don’t know, NWN is a computer game set in a fantasy land.  Usually Jack, Andrew, Eric, and Gavin play but are also joined at times by Veronica, Eddie, Ken, Gary, and Chrissie.  Eric has played Fleet O’Foot, a monk/cleric, Fanta Sia, a gnomish wizard, Fur Megrip, Kweez Enart, a fighter with a two bladed sword (yes, he does whirlwind attacks) and Ryman Reson, a bard.  While some are upstairs playing the game others are downstairs catching up on such great shows like Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives and Dancing with the Stars. 

Gilmore girls:  This is our clear favorite!  The dialogue is so quick and so funny.  Eric pretty much just watches them on dvd (We have season 1-3 already!)  but Chrissie can’t wait for her weekly Gilmore Girls fix.  The season premiere should be really exciting!  Yay Luke and Lorelai! 

 Desperate Housewives:  I had no intention of ever watching this but it really sucks you in.  I avoided it for a while but then I caught half an episode waiting for Eric to finish Neverwinter Nights and I was hooked.
Dancing with the Stars:  It’s dancing!  Of course Chrissie likes it.  And the judges aren’t quite as mean as Simon.

Friends:  Chrissie finally got to see Friends.  Jack and Patricia have seasons one through nine so Chrissie watched them straight through to keep her entertained while she quilted.  She’s almost done with the quilt, but season ten doesn’t come out until at least November so she’ll have to go back to Lord of the Rings to finish the quilt.  Eric’s only on Season Four =) 


2004-2005 books