

Serenity is Four Months Old!

You wouldn't think I'd have that much to say, as I just posted a blog ten days ago for Halloween, but a lot has happened!   We've started at last trying to teach Serenity to sleep in her own bed. (As my siblings were threatening an intervention, it seemed like a good time to try at least)  She's doing really well!!  We started by setting a bedtime routine, which after some experimentation includes a walk, changing into pajamas and a clean diaper, reading some books, rocking, nursing, and then into the bed.  We were trying to put her to bed when she got sleepy around 8pm, but she definitely feels that that is just naptime, not bedtime.  She doesn't seem to go to sleep for the night until ten or eleven.  But she sleeps till 8 or 9 am, so really that's fine with me.  So for now, we are going with her night owl tendencies.  Naps are shorter now that she sleeps without me, but hopefully they are long enough for her, or they will be soon.  She uses a pacifier and the woombie, or baby straitjacket.
Here are some pictures we took of her for her Month 4 pictures!  I love the little sock monkey sweater =)  And the fall leaves fascinated her!  So did the grass, as this was the first time we ever let her sit in it.  When we took her back inside we found a leaf she was clutching in her hand!  She's ALMOST sitting =)  She bends forward from the waist, but she's getting more stable every day.  
Here are some fun pictures from the first of November!  Eric and I love to take Serenity for walks in her front carrier.  Here she is in her Winnie The Pooh outfit from Juan and Veronica.  (it was too girly for Aidan, lucky Serenity!)  She enjoyed swinging in the swing with me!
Here she is with one of our favorite books from Abbey, Squishy Turtle!  Here you can see her reading it, and then, appropriately enough, squishing it!
She's started to find things funny.   Here she's giggling at Eric.  No need to tickle =)
She LOVES playing with her feet.  They're the best toy!  No matter what she does, she can't lose them! =)  She also chews on her hands... and on anybody else's that she can get ahold of.

Serenity is Four Months Old!

Photoshop Fun