

December 14th: Animal Day!

December 14th: Animal Day!

Early Christmas Surprise!!! I love experience gifts 🤩. Today we got to hold and feed a baby penguin!!!!! Sooooo soft and adorable with tiny little cheeps. We wiggled our fingers like parent penguins signal food time, and fed the baby whole fish!!! Totally worth waking up the kids at 5am to drive to Kansas 🥰. The baby doesn’t have a name, they can’t tell if it’s a boy or girl without genetic testing or waiting to see if it lays an egg! It’s mom’s name is Nugget though so I’m thinking of it as Baby Nugget. Maia suggested Fries as a name or Pepper.

After the penguin, we met a Capybara named Pinto. We fed him leaves and watched all his tricks! Maia got a stuffed Capybara and named her Edamame. Did you know Capybaras are classified as fish in South America?

Finally we met the sloths, Oscar and Molasses. We fed them some pears, although their neighbor really wanted us to come visit her instead. We also got a surprise visit with an armadillo that lives with the sloths. The scales on her back were such a cool pattern, some shapes like flowers.

The armadillo’s name is Jolene and the kids burst into song immediately 😂😜🥰

All the kids loved the visit, Maia was just vibrating with joy! 🤩

December 15th: Sera Recital!

December 15th: Sera Recital!

December 13th: Neighborhood Walk Day

December 13th: Neighborhood Walk Day